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The value and the amount is calculated based on your audience x 5. So, for example, if you have 100'000 followers you will get 500'000 Ad Impressions.
Sponsored article about you
With a monthly visit count of 250,000, provides an opportunity for your content to be showcased as well.
What do we need from you?
2 posts about
3 Instagram stories
(Optional) If you have a website: a short article for with a link
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Don't miss out on the chance to advertise on, a popular platform for the communities around the world.
Facts & Figures
- 3.5 Million app events daily (Likes, Matches, Messages)
- 400+ Million App Events (Likes, Matches, Chats, ..)
- 500,000 users from 75+ Countries
- 660’847 messages daily
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