How to ghost someone

  • Team ·
  • 15.09.2023 ·
  • No Category ·
  • 9 min read

Ah, the fine art of ghosting. We’ve all done it, but let’s be real, it’s not something we’re proud of. Maybe there was a guy who was a little too clingy, or maybe you just weren’t feeling a connection. It happens alright. And you decided to make a swift exit without any explanation. Disappear like a ghost. Not everyone has an invisible clock Harry Potter, our ghosting is on another level.

Ok, look, we’ve all been there – sometimes you just want to cut ties and move on. It could be a guy you went on a few dates with who just can’t take a hint or a toxic friend who sucks the life out of you. Whatever the reason, sometimes ghosting is the way to go or the best way to avoid uncomfortable situations.

But here’s the tough question: How can you ghost someone gracefully? Or do you even need to be graceful about it? In this post, we’re going to dive into the why, when, and how of ghosting, and I’ll dish out some pro tips on how to master this elusive skill. Get ready with me, because we’re about to take ghosting to a whole new level. A level you might even enjoy once you practice it. Cheers to the ones deserving of getting ghosted, and let’s keep going. Drumroll please!

Part 1

The why behind ghosting

Okay, picture this: you’re stuck in a never-ending conversation with someone who just doesn’t seem to get the message. You’ve done everything short of putting up a billboard that says, “I’m not interested!” But alas, they remain completely clueless or just plain stubborn. This is where ghosting swoops in like a superhero in a rom-com.

Let’s get this straight, ghosting isn’t about being cruel or intentionally hurting someone’s feelings. It’s more about self-preservation and reclaiming precious time and energy. Because, let’s face it, dealing with needy or overbearing individuals can drain the life force right out of you.

And hey, let’s not forget about the drama queens and kings out there. Some people just can’t handle rejection or any form of criticism without turning the whole thing into a Shakespearean tragedy. Ghosting might just be the only way to avoid the madness and keep a peaceful existence.

So, if you ever find yourself in a sticky situation where escape seems impossible, remember the power of ghosting. It’s like disappearing into thin air, leaving your troubles behind, and getting back to the important things in life, like binge-watching your favorite show or eating a whole pizza by yourself (no judgments here!).

Part 2

The When and whom of Ghosting

Listen up, folks! Ghosting may not be the most polite move, but hold on, there are some situations where it can be, dare I say, acceptable and maybe even preferable. Get this: you’ve only been on a couple of dates with someone, and there’s just no spark. In that case, it’s totally fine to let them in on the secret or keep them guessing.

But hey, if you’ve been getting pretty cozy and have a deeper connection, ghosting becomes downright cruel and cowardly. Generally, it’s best to be open and honest about your thoughts and feelings, but hey, if you’re feeling unsafe or uncomfortable, ghosting may be your only Houdini-like escape option. Better safe than sorry, boo.

Part 3

The how-to of ghosting

Alright, folks, let’s dive right into the scandalous world of ghosting. This is the juicy part you wanted to read right? Here you have some nifty tips to help you navigate the ”delicate” art of ghosting:

  • Timing is everything, darlings. If you’re gonna ghost, do it pronto. Don’t string them along or give them false hope. Rip off that Band-Aid and get it over with!
  • Now, consistency is key. Don’t be wishy-washy. Ignore those calls and texts, resist the urge to reach out, and for the love of all that is ghostly, don’t send mixed signals. Make it abundantly clear that you’ve moved on to greener pastures.
  • We know you’re a sophisticated ghost, so there’s no need to be mean or snarky. Leave the insults at the door. Just politely let them know that you’re not interested or ready to take things further. It’s as simple as that.
  • But wait, there’s a twist! Pay attention to the context, my friends. If you’ve gotten intimate or shared personal stories, a mere ghosting might come off as disrespectful or hurtful. In such cases, consider offering a brief explanation or at least a teeny bit of closure.

There you have it, the ultimate ghosting playbook for all you classy disappearers out there.

Part 4

The aftermath of ghosting

So, you’ve pulled a disappearing act on someone. Now what? Well, brace yourself, because depending on the person and the situation, they might try to track you down, give you a piece of their mind, or trash talk you to anyone who will listen. But here’s the thing, my friend – you can’t control or be responsible for how they react. However, you can be ready for it.

If they happen to reach out to you, you’ve got a couple options. You can simply ignore them, as tempting as it may be. Or, if you want to be a class act, send them a short and sweet message like, “Thanks for getting in touch, but I’m just not interested in taking this any further. Wishing you all the best!” No need to get sucked into a heated debate or make excuses for vanishing. Just a plain and simple NO. Don’t forget, a NO is still a full sentence, boo. Or you can just leave them on read.

Now, if they start spreading gossip about you like there’s no tomorrow, take the high road. Don’t stoop down to their level. Sure, rumors can spread like wildfire, but they can also fizzle out if you don’t add fuel to the fire.
Stand by your decision to ghost and have faith that people will form their own opinions based on their own interactions with you. If they don’t, well, life is to short to care. No one will come and confront you about it, but you can have a ready made response when it happens. Prepare some extra debates in your head while taking a shower. It always works.

Remember, it’s not about managing their emotions or justifying yourself. It’s about staying true to yourself and letting the world judge for themselves. Ghosting may have its consequences, but you’ve got this.

We’re not done, y’all; we have some do’s and don’ts for you as well. Keep on readiiiing!

Part 5

Make sure it’s the right choice

Hold your horses! Let’s make sure it’s the right call, shall we?

Before you dive into the mysterious art of ghosting, take a moment to reflect. Are you just temporarily annoyed with this person, or is their behavior consistently making you feel uneasy or unsafe? Ghosting someone who made a tasteless comment at a party is one thing, but doing it to a dear friend in a rough patch is a whole different ballgame.

Don’t rush into this decision like it’s a haunted mansion tour. Take your time, ponder it, and make sure you’re genuinely comfortable with your choice. Only then should you proceed with your ghostly plans.

Part 6

Start with a gradual distance

If you’re not sure you’re ready to fully ghost someone, you can start with gradual distance. Or as I like to call it “Try the stealthy technique of gradual distance.” I love sounding posh, alright. Don’t judge me.

Take your sweet time to respond to their texts, decline their plans, and dial back the amount of time you spend together. It’s a smooth segue into the art of disappearing, and it gives them a chance to take the hint before you vanish into thin air.

Part 7

Be firm but kind

Let’s get you started on the right foot. Remember, when it comes to ghosting, firmness and kindness are key. No need to spin a web of excuses or tell tall tales. That’ll just drag things out and make them even more dreadful. Instead, be pure and gentle with your truth.

Try something like this: “Hey, I feel like it’d be best if we took a little break from chatting. I’ve been swamped lately and could really use some breathing space.” It’s a polite yet clear way to let them know you’re not keen on sticking around. No need to be a mean ghost.

Part 8

Don’t feel guilty

Ghosting someone can come with a hefty side order of guilt. But hey, don’t let that guilt hang around like a clingy ex. It’s all part of the process and perfectly normal. You have the power to set boundaries and decide who floats in your social bubble.

If someone was bringing down your happy vibes or making you squirm in your seat, it’s totally fine to say buh-bye. Remember, you’re not their personal emotional babysitter – you’re too busy taking care of number one, yourself.

Part 9

Move on

Time to Bounce! Okay, folks, listen up! So you’ve successfully ghosted someone (cue the applause); now it’s high time to kick that mental baggage to the curb. Ready? Start by erasing their number from your phone, hitting that unfollow button on social media, and steering clear from any chit-chat with mutual pals about the whole shebang. Trust me, holding onto that “junk in the trunk” will only make it tougher for you to move on and possibly prolong the whole melodrama. So, let’s wave farewell to all that drama, shall we?


So, there you have it, the lowdown on ghosting. While it’s not always the ideal way of handling relationships, sometimes it’s necessary or the lesser evil. If you choose to ghost, do it with respect, clarity, and consistency, and don’t feel guilty for prioritizing your own needs. And if you’re on the receiving end of ghosting, remember that it’s not a reflection of your worth or desirability. You deserve someone who respects and communicates with you.

Ghosting someone might not always be the nicest thing to do, but sometimes it’s necessary for your own well-being. By following these dos and don’ts of ghosting someone, you can do it in a way that’s respectful and kind. Remember, you’re allowed to have boundaries and make choices for yourself – don’t let anyone make you feel guilty about it. Team