Feeling tired all the time?

  • dua.com Team ·
  • 10.10.2022 ·
  • General ·
  • 17 min read

Feeling tired all the time? Don’t let fatigue and mental fuzzyness drag you down. Search for the cause of your exhaustion! Too often, people simply accept that persistent weariness is just life. But could there be an underlying issue behind it? Don’t settle until you find out what’s really going on.

Chronic fatigue syndrome it’s not a symptom of lazy people; it’s a real thing. If your early mornings are complicated by sluggishness and procrastination, making clarity difficult to come by, then we can help.

We know that being consistently tired comes with its own set of costs, from diminished productivity levels to poor quality sleep. Let us show how you too can kickstart your energy and break free from fatigue’s chains.

Start taking control of your health and lifestyle

In the first few weeks, you must continuously observe and analyse your own daily activities, routines, food, and body responses. This way, you might figure out the root cause of why you are tired all the time.

You might be surprised to know that food is the main culprit for most of your problems. Different foods affect your body and mind. “What you eat makes you.” What goes in must come out. It makes total sense. Because you might lack external symptoms related to food, it’s going to be a little hard to tell what food is causing your tiredness.

Take charge of your energy levels and how your body feels! Experiment with cutting certain foods from your diet over the next couple days. Then observe how you feel. By experimenting and really paying attention to reactions, you’ll find out which food items are truly impacting your life in a negative way. From here you can make positive changes going forward.

Working on the computer can cause more than just eye strain. It could lead to a lack of blood flow to your brain. Vitamin D deficiency and even mental fatigue due to missing B vitamins, zinc and magnesium are another issue. So take breaks from screen time for optimal cognitive performance!

After evaluating all the above things consider also iron or vitamin deficiency of the above mentioned. In short, here is the following list of things that you can do to fix your tiredness and get your energy back:

Stop the food item that drains your energy

Remember, if food affects your body’s intake of oxygen, you’d better identify that quickly and eliminate it from your diet. It will dramatically improve your energy level and life.

Stop consuming wheat in abundance but limit its intake

Most wheat products can cause minor stomach irregularities and constipation on a daily basis. This can contribute to tiredness and brain fog. Maybe you don’t have any external symptoms, so remember to evaluate what the consumption of wheat does to you. For example, constipation causes most of your blood to flow to your stomach instead of your brain.

Start wearing eyeglasses

Using screens and gadgets all the time significantly strains your eyes. This can cause brain fog due to eye muscle stress. It can turn pretty quickly into a medical condition. Get your eyes checked and get a pair of reading glasses.

It reduces the stress on your eye muscles and more blood starts flowing to your brain. It increases your focus, and alertness and reduces fatigue because there is no extra strain on your facial area.

Stop drinking coffee/tea after 1 PM

Getting quality sleep is essential when you’re feeling exhausted and run-down. Due to the stimulation of drinks like coffee, energy beverages or tea in the afternoon, your nighttime rest may be lacklustre! Make sure you get enough shut eye so that each day can start off strong. Human sleep apnea has several cycles. A poor sleep cycle has been proven to cause obesity. A condition associated with fatigue such as obstructive sleep apnea.

Quality sleep means that you went through a REM cycle at least once. If you remember some of your dreams from the night before, then that indicates you had a great sleep. That means you went through a great REM cycle. The process cleared your short-term memory area and moved everything to permanent memory.

Please pay attention to your sleep cycle and how refreshed you feel when you wake up. Use a light-based alarm clock that wakes you up slower than a sound-based alarm. The latter wakes you up suddenly from sleep, disturbing your sleep cycles.

Start exercising 3 times a week

Exercising is a healthy habit that can give you long-term benefits! It helps get the blood pumping around your body, giving it much needed oxygen. Not only does exercise have an impact on physical health but also mental wellbeing. It can even help to reduce joint pain or reduce the risk o a heart disease in the future.

It also strengthens your muscles and stamina, thus making you strong and energized over time. Lack of exercise can cause weight gain as well as chronic fatigue. However, do not overexert yourself with extensive exercice.

Reduce the quantity of your food intake

Eat up to 75% of your stomach capacity, which is enough to satisfy your hunger. Do not overfill your stomach. If you do this, you will be tired for the next few hours because all of your blood will be directed to your stomach, and your brain will become foggy. Enjoy smaller quantities that digest well, and eat often. Treat allergies that come from your food.

Listen to your bowel movements

Take bathroom breaks frequently and make them part of your schedule. Going to the bathroom and emptying your stomach makes you feel refreshed because now blood flows to your brain. This could help with you feeling tired all the time. Delayed emptying of your stomach could be the reason for most of the brain fog and why you feel tired. You’ll notice the difference immediately, and you’ll be able to focus better as well.

Take (multivitamins), (vitamin D), and (calcium, magnesium, and zinc combo)

We can’t recommend this enough. These are important vitamins and minerals for your daily energy levels.

Note: Take vitamin D only in the morning. Do not take it in the evening. It may affect your sleep.

Take calcium-mag-zinc at bedtime. It gives you deep sleep, and you wake up refreshed. It’s the magnesium that works. Take these vitamins on alternate days, and they will improve the quality of your sleep.

Get a detailed look into your body with a complete blood test to identify any deficiencies and make sure everything is functioning properly. Talk to an internal medicine doctor about whether taking vitamins or medications might be beneficial for maintaining good health.

Reduce your meat consumption

Ditch the burgers and steaks for a veggie-rich diet – your body will thank you! Not only will it help digestion, but you’ll also feel more energized.

Reduce sugar consumption

Too much sugar may be silently zapping your energy – and it’s not just in desserts. But don’t worry! Fruits, coffee, and other foods can provide all the sweetness your body needs without any of those pesky insulin spikes. Plus you’ll get to keep that extra boost of alertness with every bite!

Practice breathing exercises while laying down on your bed before falling asleep

Savour the sweet sleep that awaits you when your lungs expand from calming breathing exercises before bed. Make a nightly habit of it and soon, drifting off to dreamland will be easier than ever!

Take five minutes to practice deep breaths and relaxation during your work breaks. Looking for an anti-snoring solution? Try sleeping on the side! Get more tips in our upcoming article about breathing exercises.

Fix your bedtime schedule

If you want to stay productive and energized, it’s best to commit to a regular sleep schedule. Pick the right time for your body and stick with it! Feeling tired all the time comes from sleep disturbances. So get enough sleep. Setting yourself up in this way can make a big difference when participating in important events.

Reduce social media time

It will help your body and mind to enjoy real-life things. It psychologically increases your energy level to do more things in real life. Social media displays only the good times of others; it does not always reflect their true lives. So it’s better to browse once in a while but not all the time. It may occupy your mind and eventually affect your health.

De-stress by writing down all your pending things (To-Do list) in a notebook

It’s one of the best methods for de-stressing which in many cases is the reason why you are feeling tired all the time. Remember, energy comes from a happy mind. So try to trick your mind into a happy mood of accomplishment.

Whenever you write everything down that you need to do, you’ll feel like half the task is already accomplished. Allow ten minutes each day to review your to-do list, crossing off completed items and adding anything you missed.

Cross-mark the items that you have already completed. It will make you happier because you’ll see your accomplishment in real time. This helps you de-stress and gives you a lot of clarity. It’s definitely a mental booster in terms of energy.

The less you talk, the more energy you have

When you talk for a prolonged period of time, the amount of oxygen intake decreases, and you will be more tired for the rest of the day. Stop talking too fast. Listen more, think for a couple of seconds, and then answer. Learn to breathe in between responses to ensure proper oxygen intake.

Monitor your mind for not feeling tired all the time

Become the master of your own mental health! Training yourself to be mindful can help you stay focused and increase productivity. Taking on one task at a time is an excellent way to maximize results. No more getting sidetracked by pesky distractions!

Be conscious of all of the above

So If you’re feeling tired all the time, take a look at the list of choices. Check off any that have gone by the wayside. Take our word for it and add these back in your life. Even just half of them you’ll see improved energy levels as well as an enhanced sense of wellbeing!

ling tired all the time? Without knowing the root cause of your tiredness and brain fog? Many people never search for the root cause of it all; instead, they continue their lives with the same lifestyle mistakes as always. Tiredness comes at a cost when it becomes difficult to wake up in the morning, focus, procrastinate, lose clarity, quality of sleep, and so on.

We’re here to help and show you what to do to finally get on track with your energy levels.

Start taking control of your health and lifestyle

In the first few weeks, you must continuously observe and analyse your own daily activities, routines, food, and body responses. This way, you might figure out the root cause of why you are tired all the time.

You might be surprised to know that food is the main culprit for most of your problems. Different foods affect your body and mind. “What you eat makes you.” What goes in must come out. It makes total sense. Because you might lack external symptoms related to food, it’s going to be a little hard to tell what food is causing your tiredness. Begin by eliminating different food items from your diet, and then monitor your energy levels and mood for a couple of days. Through trial and error, you’ll identify the specific items from your diet that will really change your life once you eliminate them.

If you work on your computer, straining your eyes causes a lack of blood flow to your brain. Due to a lack of sun exposure, you might also have a vitamin D deficiency. What most people don’t understand is that the majority of us lack B vitamins, zinc, and magnesium, which all contribute to brain confusion and tired.

After evaluating all the above things, in short, here is the following list of things that you can do to fix your tiredness and get your energy back:

Stop the food item that drains your energy

Remember, if food affects your body’s intake of oxygen, which is the primary element for living, you’d better identify that quickly and eliminate it from your diet. It will dramatically improve your energy level and life.

Stop consuming wheat in abundance but limit its intake

Most wheat products can cause minor stomach irregularities and constipation on a daily basis, which contribute to tiredness and brain fog. Maybe you don’t have any external symptoms, so remember to evaluate what the consumption of wheat does to you. For example, constipation causes most of your blood to flow to your stomach instead of your brain, which causes brain fog and tiredness.

Start wearing eyeglasses

Using screens and gadgets all the time significantly strains your eyes. This can cause brain fog and tiredness due to eye muscle stress. Get your eyes checked and get a pair of reading glasses. It reduces the stress on your eye muscles and more blood starts flowing to your brain. It increases your focus, and alertness and reduces fatigue because there is no extra strain on your facial area.

Stop drinking coffee/tea after 1 PM

Quality sleep is important if you are feeling tired all the time. If you drink coffee or tea in the afternoon, then your sleep quality won’t be good at all that night, and it will affect your energy level the next day. Human sleep has different sleep cycles. Quality sleep means that you went through a REM cycle at least once. If you remember some of your dreams from the night before, then that indicates you had a great sleep.

`That means you went through a great REM cycle, which cleared your short-term memory area and moved everything to permanent memory. Please pay attention to your sleep cycle and how refreshed you feel when you wake up. Use a light-based alarm clock that wakes you up slower than a sound-based alarm. which wakes you up suddenly from sleep, disturbing your sleep cycles.

Start exercising 3 times a week

We assume we do not need to elaborate on this. Exercise helps with proper blood flow and enough oxygen intake. It also strengthens your muscles and stamina, thus making you strong and energized over time. Do not overexert yourself.

Reduce the quantity of your food intake

Eat up to 75% of your stomach capacity, which is enough to satisfy your hunger. Do not overfill your stomach. If you do this, you will be tired for the next few hours because all of your blood will be directed to your stomach, and your brain will become foggy. Enjoy smaller quantities that digest well, and eat often.

Listen to your bowel movements

Take bathroom breaks frequently and make them part of your schedule. Going to the bathroom and emptying your stomach makes you feel refreshed because now blood flows to your brain. This could help with you feeling tired all the time. Delayed emptying of your stomach could be the reason for most of the brain fog and why you feel tired. You’ll notice the difference immediately, and you’ll be able to focus better as well.

Take (multivitamins), (vitamin D), and (calcium, magnesium, and zinc combo)

We can’t recommend this enough. These are important vitamins and minerals for your daily energy levels.

Note: Take vitamin D only in the morning. Do not take it in the evening; it may affect your sleep.

Take calcium-mag-zinc at bedtime; it gives you deep sleep, and you wake up refreshed. It’s the magnesium that works. Take these vitamins on alternate days, and they will improve the quality of your sleep. Do a complete blood test and see if you need any additional vitamins or minerals in your diet.

Reduce your meat consumption

Help your body to ease digestion processes by eating more vegetables and fruits and less meat. If you make this change, you will immediately notice increased energy levels.

Reduce sugar consumption

Use less sugar to avoid insulin spikes. It’s crucial. Most of the sugar your body needs comes from fruits, coffee, and foods. So there’s no need for extra sugar. The more sugar you consume, the more tired you will feel.

Practice breathing exercises while laying down on your bed before falling asleep

Your lungs expand when you’re laying down. Before falling asleep, make sure to do some breathing exercises. Do this every day. They will help you with the quality of your sleep. You will fall asleep pretty quickly. If you need to know how to do some breathing exercises, we’ll write another article about it. One extra piece of advice: practice five minutes of deep breathing and relaxation between your work breaks. If you need to avoid snoring, sleep on your side.

Fix your bedtime schedule

Sleeping at random times confuses the body and prevents optimum performance the next day. To avoid this, decide which time is best for you and be religious about it.

Reduce social media time

It will help your body and mind to enjoy real-life things. It psychologically increases your energy level to do more things in real life. Social media displays only the good times of others; it does not always reflect their true lives. So it’s better to browse once in a while but not all the time. It may occupy your mind and eventually affect your health.

De-stress by writing down all your pending things (To-Do list) in a notebook

It’s one of the best methods for de-stressing which in many cases is the reason why you are feeling tired all the time. Remember, energy comes from a happy mind. So try to trick your mind into a happy mood of accomplishment. Whenever you write everything down that you need to do, you’ll feel like half the task is already accomplished. Allow ten minutes each day to review your to-do list, crossing off completed items and adding anything you missed. Cross-mark the items that you have already completed. It will make you happier because you’ll see your accomplishment in real time. This helps you de-stress and gives you a lot of clarity. It’s definitely a mental booster in terms of energy.

The less you talk, the more energy you have

When you talk for a prolonged period of time, the amount of oxygen intake decreases, and you will be more tired for the rest of the day. Stop talking too fast. Listen more, think for a couple of seconds, and then answer. Learn to breathe in between responses to ensure proper oxygen intake.

Monitor your mind

Learn to self-monitor your mind to avoid wandering thoughts that occupy your brain and distract you. Take one thing at a time, and this will help you to improve your productivity and get better results from what you do.

Be conscious of all of the above

When you are feeling tired all the time, think about which of the above you have missed and then fix them. Take our word for it. If you do at least half of this list, your energy levels will increase, and with that, your quality of life as well.

dua.com Team
